Did you know you can pay your bill online?
If you need help with this process, please call the office at 812-372-8456 , and we will be glad to assist you in learning the system.
Direct Bill (choose this option if you pay your COMPANY directly)
If you have a DIRECT BILL policy, which is billed from one of our companies, you can choose your current company and set up a specific user identification and password in order to pay your bill to them, through their billing portal. If you need help with this process, please call the office at 812-372-8456 , and we will be glad to assist you in learning the system.
Agency Bill (only choose this if you pay our AGENCY directly)
If you have a blue invoice or a red statement from Zeller Insurance, you will be able to pay your bill through this online portal. You will need your Zeller Insurance specific account number in order to use this site. This number is printed on the top right portion of the invoice or statement near your name.
Enter your payment amount in the field below and click the Submit Payment button to continue:

Again, ONLY choose this option if you pay our agency.